Course details

The course will teach you the basic level of using homeopathic remedies for acute conditions such as vomiting, ear infection, gastric problem, cold, flus, coughs etc.

This course is for mothers and fathers who want basic knowledge to save time and money by being able to prescribe a homeopathic remedy to their children and themselves when needed.

learning about how to take a case effectively so that the correct remedy can be chosen, how to use a materia medica booklet and learning multiple remedies in detail.

course material will be provided and the course will be presented in video/ slide format.

the course will take you a few hours but can be done in your own time and watched as many times and you want.

so if you want to learn how to use the basic homeopathic kit or thinking of getting a kit to use then this course is for you.

Updated on 14 February, 2018
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