Udemy Hello, World - Build Web Sites - Professional's Toolset Udemy
Price: USD 50

    Course details

    In this course, you will learn essential information about the Internet, basic technologies and in practice, how to construct a web page, plus look at how professionals and commercial web sites are constructed. You will learn:

    - What the Internet is and basic technologies available
    - Steps in designing and creating web pages
    - Selecting the technologies to use on your web pages
    - Tips in producing high quality pages


    - Steps in designing & creating web pages, Learn HTML & CSS, the building blocks of websites

    - Learn HTML and CSS, the building blocks of websites

    - Explore web sites on the web to reinforce course materials and review.

    The entire course length is over 6 hours but there is a segment to quickly setup a page.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018