Course details

Yes, it's possible! And just in 4 days!

You don't need to endure longer fat, tiredness, indigestion or skin problems.

Take this course to:

  • get slimmer and maintain your weight on the same level
  • heal yourself from digestion problems
  • lessen symptoms of other skin, digestive, heart, lymphatic diseases
  • balance your emotions and hormones
  • feel that your level of energy improves so much that you want to create and inspire

This course is a step-by-step guide how to do a 4 days fast on water to get slimmer and heal yourself, including:

  • how to prepare yourself for fasting
  • what are the mechanisms of fasting
  • how to get out of fasting and maintain permanent results

The course includes the testimonials from Kasia's 4 days fast and testimonials from a participant who did the fast with Kasia. You will also get details instructions what to eat before and after the fasting. The course is based on videos and pdf slides.

Updated on 22 March, 2018