Course details

Are you dealing with autoimmune conditions at the moment that just don't seem to be getting better? Are you suffering from bad cases of acne and/or eczema which seems to be getting worse. Or are you just feeling sub optimal in your health and wellness?

No matter which of these applies to you, this course will be of benefits.

Did you know that 70% of our immune system actually resides in our gut. This means that if you don't get it in control you will find yourself suffering with ongoing colds and flu's and even put yourself at greater risk of certain cancers.

Did you also know that 95% of our serotonin (reduces risk of depression) is also located in our gut. Leaky gut can therefore lead to Depression, Anxiety, Brain Fog and Memory Loss.

It is important that you get your gut health into order now... 

Updated on 14 February, 2018
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