Udemy Hatching Hordes of Customers with Twitter in 1 Hour Udemy
Price: USD 17

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    Facebook. LinkedIn. Twitter. FourSquare. Pintrest. And On. And On. And On.

    It's a pretty isolated person who has managed to avoid the rise of social media in the past decade. Social networks have come and gone (Bebo who?) but the concept is certainly not going away, and clear winners are emerging.

    Twitter is one such winner. It offers a hugely targeted marketing channel which allows you to reach customers directly, building relationships, creating buyers and developing fanatical fans.

    On this course we'll look at how you can use Twitter to do just that, and how you can fit regularing Twittering into your busy business life. To get started, have a look at the course info section below, and then move on to the daily tasks. I look forward to learning with you!

    Updated on 08 November, 2015
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