Course details
You've got your investor meeting all set up and you're getting ready to knock their socks off. You struggled and networked your a$$ off to get this meeting and you are going to make this opportunity happen...
So what objections are they going to hit you with? And how are you going to handle them?
Knowing what to expect means you can be ready - well, as well as you can be...
So how do you make sure you capitalize on this tough-to-get meeting and this perhaps once-in-a-life-time opportunity? (No pressure....)
This course focuses on making sure you understand some of the common objections, some ways to handle them and optimize these tough to get investor meetings to move you closer to investor funding.
Can you do it without this course...sure you can. Could this course help you optimise your chances...heck yeah. Will you still need to go into the meeting with your own game plan....of course you will. This is not a magic bullet...its more of a kavlar vest to the tough investor bullets.
Updated on 08 November, 2015