Course details
Course Updated 7 July 2016
Why are 50,804 students wanting me to mentor them in 42 Udemy courses?50,804 students have started learning from me since August 7th 2015. Shouldn't you find out why?
Hack Your Productivity to finally get productive, manage your time, and make more money.
Learn how not to get overwhelmed and why a comfortable workspace magnifies your chances of success.
Discover why healthy eating is critical to productivity.
Master the art of consistency, and working a consistent day and to a consistent schedule. Discover also why plenty of rest is important in staying productive (most of the super productive people take rest)
You will learn the importance of setting realistic and prioritized lists and discover why understanding your body and knowing the most productive times of the day for YOU is essential to hack your productivity.
This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee so take this course today to transform your productivity.
Updated on 19 October, 2015- Find Your Soulmate International Open AcademyUSD 20
USD 190Duration: 50 Hours - Diploma in Dream Psychology John AcademyUSD 25
USD 380Duration: Upto 13 Hours