Udemy Google citations to boost SEO for new local websites Udemy
Price: USD 20

    Course details

    In this course I will teach you how to use Google Citations to boost the SEO of your local business websites. Even if your business is not a local business, Google Citations can help you begin showing up in Google search faster, and get your website to rank better.

    Most people who launch their website wonder when that website will begin to show up in Google search. It can take a considerable amount of time to have your website show up in Google search, but if you use Google Citations, you can expedite the process.

    The reason Google introduced Google citations was because there was not much information it had about new sites, and mere mentions of your website and business helped its search engine understand what your website is all about. 

    In this course I also explain what to do if your business isn't necessarily a local business.

    Sign up today, and get your website ranking in Google faster.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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