Udemy Google Adwords Beginners, Triple Sales & Pay Less for PPC! Udemy
Price: USD 195

    Course details

    Triple Sales via Google Adwords & Reduce what you Pay for PPC, Gain Unfair Advantage.

    This PPC course focuses on Business Goals not learning interface & is based on 20+ yrs marketing, business experience& 9 years successfully using Google Adwords to sellproducts & services. Start learning now, it comes with 30 day money back guarantee!

    Learn how to maximize profits and crushcompetition.

    Most people advertising with Google Ads, or using other PPC advertising (  Bing ) do not optimize them. Alot of them won't even know what negative keywords are and how tofind them. When you ask them about landing page or unique sellingproposition they will not know what you are talking about.

    When you implement knowledge about PPC contained in lessons of this courseto your business you will gain unfair advantage over majority ofsmall business advertisers. You should be able to increase sales viaGoogle Adwords while reducing your cost per sales at the same time. 

    Start learning now, it comes with 30 day money back guarantee!

    Some of the course lessons, for instance landing page optimization, conversions optimization & writing ads can be used in wider digital marketing. For instance in Yahoo PPC, Bing PPC, Facebook Ads or Twitter Ads. Keyword tools will be also useful for SEO and Adsence.

    Methods taught in the course are quite universal and canbe implemented in majority of businesses andare many times more effective than search engine optimization (SEO).

    Some of the skills you will learn in this course (that will helpto increase sales and reduce costs in Adwords):

    • finding phrase and exact match keywords,
    • finding negative keywords,
    • increasing click through rate (CTR) and reducing cost of Adwords,
    • increasing your return on investment (ROI),
    • writing killer Ads,
    • building effective landing pages,
    • multiplying your conversion rate with A/B testing,

    Start learning now, it comes with 30 day money back guarantee!

    Updated on 02 September, 2016
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