Udemy Goals using 80/20 Rule to Achieve Faster & with Less Effort Udemy
Price: USD 200

    Course details

    It's uncovering the fact from fiction of goal setting & giving practical techniques that are actually proven to work, including how and why the work. There is a lot of time & energy-wasting things out there around goals, this is get the 20% that actually works.

    You can waste hours, days, weeks, month even years by following pop theories that have little effect or you can do this course & learn the Goal Achieving techniques that WILL make a difference to your life.

    By enrolling in this course you will get lifetime access & FREE updated lectures. You also get a 30 Day 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ! No questions asked.

    If you want to Reach Your Goals faster & easier then don't delay, enroll now.


    Range of techniques & the facts behind why they work to help you reach your goals fast with less effort

    Why take this course?:

    There is heaps of information out there about goal setting but most is time consuming & ineffective! If you want to stop struggling to reach your goals & hit the fast track then take this course.

    Take this course if

    ·You want more time & energy to put into your results, because your not wasting time

    ·You want to achieve your goals faster, because your focusing on what works

    ·You want to have a large team of people behind you, helping you get to your goals faster

    ·You want to tap into at will your full brains power to reach your goals quicker


    Basic house hold items; pen, coloured pencils & paper.

    How Long:

    There is around 90mins of lectures packed full of relevant information that can change your life.


    I've split the activities into different area's of focus, though you will get the most out of it if you watch from start to finish. If you feel you're in need of extra help about a particular area then you can go straight back to it.

    When you know & use these skills things start to happen in your life, enroll now and start living the life you deserve.

    What Students are saying:

    by Mahendar Reddy

    Great course

    This course is very good and precise

    by Susan Gast

    Compassion for others leads to surprising rewards!

    Setting goals are important - and Amanda explains how the "loftier" they are the better! They are NOT unreachable, but the view while reaching them is much clearer - and less crowded. Amanda teaches that you should feel compassion for others and in return you'll reap rewards that will help you and your business grow in ways you only imagined! Amanda is a lot of fun to listen to... and watch!

    This course was last updated 30.5.15

    Updated on 11 October, 2014
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