Course details

This course has been updated in October 2016.

Are you a German learner and struggling to work out what ending a German noun needs in the plural?

Do you remember if cakes in German is Kuchen, Küchen or Kuchens? (It's Kuchen) Are you struggling to work out if flowers are Blumen or Blümen (It's Blumen) And what about the car? What is the plural of das Auto or der Wagen? (It's Autos and Wagen)

Is this really annoying you?

Then this course is going to help you by showing you which nouns take an 'n' or 'en', which take an 'e' or an umlaut and a 'e' or which take an 'er' or an umlaut and an 'er'. You will also learn which nouns don't change, just add an umlaut or need an 's'.

At the end of the course you will have a better understanding of German plural nouns, which will make life a lot easier when you communicate in German.

Updated on 13 January, 2016
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