Course details

Dive deep into the subjunctive mood. The subjunctive mood is used on a regular basis in German and many learners of German have difficulty mastering it and using it correctly. The subjunctive mood is first of all used in conditional sentences and in reported speech but this list is far from exhaustive. Don't wait. Learn to use the subjunctive mood the way Germans do.

Discover How Vastly the Subjunctive Mood is Used In German.

·         Conditional Sentences

·         Reported Speech

·         Hypothetical Statements

·         Tone Moderation

·         Wishes

·         Commands

·         Instructions

·         ... and much more

Master the Subjunctive Mood - It's All Well Within Your Reach.

The subjunctive mood is often considered difficult or vague. There are two reasons. First, it is usually taught towards the end of a course and there's not enough time devoted to it. Second, the rules that govern the subjunctive mood are not always strict and this makes us uncertain as to how to use it correctly. I think this is a very important topic and deserves a course all of its own. And that's why this course was created. And, what's important, it's not as difficult as it looks. Just give it a chance.

Contents and Overview

This course is pretty comprehensive. It discusses all the types of conditional clauses and all the intricacies of reported speech. It demonstrates how the subjunctive mood is used in multiple areas of the language and when it is preferred over the indicative mood.

This course is divided into 12 sections, each of them covering a broader topic subdivided into lectures. There are 46 lectures altogether. The pace is up to you, you can go through the easier parts faster and then take more time to study the more sophisticated ones.

To help you memorize and practice all the new stuff, there are loads of exercises. Most lectures are accompanied by additional resources. These are downloadable files with exercises (with key). Each lecture is accompanied by the main text file containing the material covered in the video. This written material is much more detailed and extended than what you can find in the video.

After you finish each section, there's a quiz for you that covers the material discussed in that section.

After you finish this course you will be able to use conditional clauses and reported speech much more comfortably. You will also use the subjunctive mood in other situations, just like Germans do.

Updated on 27 July, 2016
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