Course details
Food Safety Level 4
Food Safety — Level 4 is the final step in your food safety learning. This course is designed for managers and supervisors who have completed the other levels of food safety training and wish to deepen their knowledge and access new skills.
We first take a look at how managers can create a food safety programme that fits well into their business. To do this, you need to know how to recognise food safety risks in your workplace. The course also covers more… + Read More
Course details
Food Safety Level 4
Food Safety — Level 4 is the final step in your food safety learning. This course is designed for managers and supervisors who have completed the other levels of food safety training and wish to deepen their knowledge and access new skills.
We first take a look at how managers can create a food safety programme that fits well into their business. To do this, you need to know how to recognise food safety risks in your workplace. The course also covers more material on maintaining such programmes and which procedures are recommended.
Food Safety — Level 4 also covers more in-depth training strategies for managers. Once completed, this course will give you the tools that you need to train other managers, supervisors and staff to enable them to maintain food safety in your workplace.
Not only that, but we will also take a look at some of the more overlooked areas of food safety and hygiene to ensure that you complete the course with a full understanding of how to keep risks to a minimum.
You Will Learn:
- How to develop an effective food safety programme for your business
- A more in-depth look at food safety procedures
- How to maintain high standards of food safety in the long term
- How to properly train colleagues in food safety and hygiene
- A more in-depth look at food safety legislation
- How to manage cleaning and waste disposal techniques
Benefits of Taking This Course:
- Being able to easily recognise and subsequently prevent any food safety hazards in the workplace
- Gaining a deeper understanding of how to communicate with your team
- Gaining a deeper understanding of how to train colleagues to a higher level of food safety knowledge
- Better ability to maintain long-term food safety standards
- Better ability to implement waste and cleaning techniques that fit food safety guidelines
Updated on 19 June, 2023 - Read LessAbout Online Courses Learning
Online Courses Learning is a provider of career essential courses. Simple understandable media content, concept oriented learning which helps develop career opportunities in the corporate World.
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