Copex Training Courses and Seminars Maintenance Management Best Practices Copex Training Courses and Seminars
Price: USD 4,950

Course details

Effective Maintenance Management is paramount to business success and probably the only business process that is fully controllable at site level. This comprehensive 5-day COPEX training course has been designed to benefit both qualified new professionals as well as experienced professionals who might need to refresh their skills. It covers the fundamentals of Maintenance Management Best Practice required to ensure that plant and equipment is reliable and cost-effectively maintained.

By attending this COPEX training course you should achieve these goals:
  • Understand maintenance as a key business function;
  • Understand the objectives and purpose of pro-active failure management;
  • Learn how reliability influences not only plant output, but also improves health, safety and environmental performance, resource optimisation and cost improvement;
  • Identify planning and scheduling best practices and how this contributes to work quality and reliability improvement;
  • Use suitable performance indicators and management reports to perform regular analysis of maintenance performance, control maintenance resources and costs, and drive continuous ;
  • Establish continuous improvement as a permanent process
Updated on 29 April, 2019

About Copex Training Courses and Seminars

Copex provides professional Training and Consultancy to bring world-class performance to the supply, control, storage and transportation activities for materials, equipment, construction & services required by organisations through the development and implementation of strategies, techniques, processes & systems.

An ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 29990:2010 Certified Company, Copex is committed to maintaining the highest quality standards & delivering customer service excellence. See all Copex Training Courses and Seminars courses

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