Copex Training Courses and Seminars Facilities Management Specialist Copex Training Courses and Seminars
Price: GBP 3,937

    Course details

    Facilities like buildings, utility plants, power & water distribution networks, production plants, parking lots and landscaping become more and more flexible, complex and expensive. That is why Facilities Management is big business nowadays. It is one of the largest budget expenses and therefore one of the major sources of cost savings. However not at all costs, because facilities are a major asset too.
    This COPEX training course will apply the Best Practices to organize and manage a facilities department as a successful "business within a business". The goal is to operate and maintain the facilities in an effective and efficient way, in order to integrate function, people and place. The course is about finding the right balance between asset performance and costs.

    By attending this COPEX training course, delegates will be able to:
    • Understand the basics of facilities management
    • Understand how to draw up a preventive maintenance concept, based on risk
    • Develop strategies to decide when and what to outsource
    • Understand the different (maintenance) contract types
    • Identify and monitor the performance of the facilities management processes
    Updated on 09 June, 2019

    About Copex Training Courses and Seminars

    Copex provides professional Training and Consultancy to bring world-class performance to the supply, control, storage and transportation activities for materials, equipment, construction & services required by organisations through the development and implementation of strategies, techniques, processes & systems.

    An ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 29990:2010 Certified Company, Copex is committed to maintaining the highest quality standards & delivering customer service excellence. See all Copex Training Courses and Seminars courses

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