Convertas Human Resources Assessor Convertas
Price: USD 3,995

Course details

Day 1: Importance, use and reliability of assessment methodologies
The organizational environment has changed
* Organizational complexity
* Productivity expectations
* Interdependence
Contextual use of assessments within HR functions
* Recruitment and selection
* Talent and succession management
* Learning and development
Effectiveness and reliability of assessment tools and methods
Skills, abilities and certifications for assessors
Day 2: Position requirements and assessment frameworks
Analysis of position requirements
* Job description analysis
* Job analysis interview
* Competency analysis
Defining, prioritizing and leveling of technical and behavioral competencies
Aligning assessments criteria with business objectives
Development of assessment frameworks
Day 3: Psychometrics, questionnaires and tests
Definition and possible uses
* 'DISC' model
* Personality versus ability assessments
* Candidate report analysis
* Vendor selection criteria
* Reliability and drawbacks
Motivation and engagement assessment questionnaires
* Job fit facets
* Organizational fit facets
* Aspiration and engagement questionnaires
360 and 180 degrees' assessments
Knowledge and skill assessment tests
Day 4: Types and effectiveness of interviews
Structured interviews
* Definition and possible use
* Development of interview guides and answer evaluation guides
* Reliability and possible drawbacks
Competency based interviews
* 'STAR' approach for data collection
* Interview guides
* Questioning techniques
* Quantification of results
Selection methodologies
* Matrix approach
* Gap analysis approach
Day 5: Assessment and development centers
Assessment versus development centers
Center exercise selection criteria
* In-tray
* Fact finding
* Analysis
* Group
Center design and administration
Qualitative and quantitative reports
  Updated on 16 May, 2024

Eligibility / Requirements

There are no eligibility requirement to attend this course.

About Convertas

CONVERTAS is a reliable advisory firm, helping organizations develop their activities to align with their objectives adopting the best practices.

Our trainings and workshops cover all areas of business including Management,Soft Skills and Human Resourses Management, Marketing and Sales, Accounting and Finance, Procurement  and Logistics, targeting organizations, managers and employees. Whether in-house or public, trainings are organized with the highest qualified trainers.

Our methodology relies more on the use of audio-visual impact which is more effective than the lecture style. Presentations, videos and simulations methods have proven to be very effective for people to remember.

Moreover, doing and teaching are the best vehicles for learning and remembering. This includes involving the trainee in the teaching process by interacting, through completing worksheets and inciting to explain and present what is acquired.

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