Future Institute of Higher Education Training for Ladies Fashion Design Diploma Future Institute of Higher Education Training for Ladies
Price: SAR 60,000

    Course details

    Our two years programme consisting of four modules entitles you to have a Diploma in Fashion Design approved by ( TVTC ).
    It is very comprehensive and well constructed diploma, you learn all the information and organization tasks  for you to put on paper your ideas with sophistication.
    You will communicate your designs in good looking drawings from the simplest garment to the very heavy embroidered evening wear. The programme also teaches you pattern cutting+ Read More

    Eligibility / Requirements

    High School diploma
    English level 2 


    Job roles this course is suitable for:

    Fashion Designer , 2-Image consultant , 3-Fabric specialist

    About Future Institute of Higher Education Training for Ladies

    Future Institute of Higher Education Training for Ladies (FIL)  is distinguished as a pioneer of further education in Saudi Arabia. Future Institute has established links with a number of distinguished colleges in Britain. The Institute is also closely linked to the Education Development International ( EDI ) under the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry for further education in Britain.

    Future Institute (FIL) is licensed by the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia, and under the supervision of the Technical and Vocational Training Co operation (TVTC), this official certification encourages high school graduates and even university graduates to enlist in the institute’s programmes to prepare them to enter the world of business. 

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