Course details

Customize Your Excel Interactions with Excel VBA UserForms

Microsoft Excel is a very powerful tool, but doesn't always provide the most accessible approach to working with your data. Through the use of Excel VBA and Excel VBA UserForms, you'll be able to create a more accessible and efficient environment to work with your specialized data.

By participating in this course on Microsoft Excel VBA UserForms you will journey through a step by step, project based learning experience. Each project you will be introduced to will build upon the previous project. While completing each project from start to completion, you'll build an Excel experience you'll want to re-create for each of your Microsoft Excel projects.

  • Learn key VBA concepts that relate to building Excel VBA UserForm interafces
  • Streamline yours and your users experience working with large Excel data sets
  • Create intuitive Excel interfaces to create reports and provide summarized data based on Excel tables.

Join me in this course and become and Excel VBA UserForm champion! See you in the course.

Updated on 22 March, 2018
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