Course details

Why is this course called the "second honeymoon"? 

Simple. Many of us have been using Pivots for decades. We think we already know Pivot Table. But trust me, there is vast amount of unexplored stuff - waiting to be exploited. This is course is for those who have used Pivots and attended other Pivot Courses. 

This is not a click here, go there type of course. It provokes you to think, learn and apply the knowledge to your own work or business. 

If you do not know Pivot tables, don't worry. This course starts from scratch and helps you become a master Pivot analyst. Those who already know Pivot Tables are in for a surprise. For example, do you know that the raw data must be an Excel table before you create a Pivot Table? Most probably, you will ask me a question: "What is an Excel table?"

Try out the free preview videos and you will notice the difference instantly. 

Updated on 22 March, 2018
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