Course details

This course is about building a strong foundation of skills. Whether you're a beginner in Excel, or you've taught yourself how to use it, there are a set of tools - keyboard shortcuts, best practices, and calculations - that everyone should have in their toolbelt. This course strives to set the stage for the incredible, powerful features of Excel. This course is for you if:

  • You're new to the program;
  • You want to navigate, select, and edit content like a pro;
  • Your calculations sometimes have errors in them;
  • You find yourself re-typing things; or
  • You think there are keyboard shortcuts to perform the same steps.

This is a class for people who are new to Excel, or who have been self-taught. Included in this course are keyboard shortcuts, demonstration files, and exercise files to be completed on your own.

Updated on 22 March, 2018
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