Udemy Digital Painting in Manga Studio 5 - Character Design Udemy
Price: USD 195
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

In this Course you will learn How to Create a Fantasy Art Character from the rough sketch all the way to the finished paint work. We start with the drawing process and I explain how to make changes to the concept and not get too worried about everything being perfect in the beginning. There are lots of ways to edit the work and keep pressing forward within Manga Studio 5 / Clip Studio Paint.

We will then cover how to lay in the base paint work and use that to create and save our selections. You will learn how to use the layers to aid in your painting process, as well as how to work in a non-destructive approach.

Once the foundational information is in place we will begin to apply our digital painting effects with a variety of brushes. ( You will get access to all the brushes I use in this Course. )

You will also learn how to create and apply a texture effect for the chain mail on the characters armor. We will be using the "Distort" and "Mesh Transformation" features to accomplish this.

Through this course you will learn how to use : Layers and Groups, Combine Modes ( Blending Modes ), Custom Brushes, Hard and Soft Edge Shadows, Layer Masks, Quick Masks, Blending Brushes, Tonal Correction, Mirrored Windows, as well as General Drawing and Painting Techniques.

This course is9 Hours and 17 Minutestotal run time.35Individual Lessons.

You get theLayered Art Filesand theCustom Brushesto work along with.

I am here if you have any questions or feedback for me to make this a better Course for everyone. So please feel free to let me know!

Robert A. Marzullo

Ram Studios Comics

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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