Course details
Nutrition and diet is 70% of your results. You gotta nail it down if you are looking for great results.
For the past 17 years, since the day I left my parents house, I have been on my own:
Cooking my Meals Every Single Day.
Diet Planning Mastery is a summary of what I have learned, analyzed and implemented (related to diet & nutrition) on myself and my clients to help them lose fat/gain muscle or simply to optimize health.
By the end of this course you'll Learn:
- A simple 'Ten Step' process to create a perfect Fat Loss/Muscle Building Diet Plan for you (and/or your family)
- Design Diet plans based on your Lifestyle & Schedule- Simply choose from 5 Meal Patterns Provided
- Learn the 'Simple Trick' to ensure that you are taking in all the essential vitamins/minerals from your diet
- Learn how to calculate the 'Exact Calories' based on the approach you choose- Enjoyable | Realistic | Aggressive and based on your goals i.e. Fat Loss/Muscle Building/Optimal Health
- Learn how to 'Monitor' & 'Track' your progress and stay on track with your goals
- Learn to estimate your fat loss/muscle building rate per week/month/quarterly
- Learn advanced strategies to 'breakthrough' fat loss/muscle building plateaus
STOP wasting your time with:
- Fad-diets which destroys your health and gives you no results
- Starvation diet which dramatically slows down your metabolism and in the long term causes more weight gain and hormonal imbalances
- Cookie-Cutter-One approach diet plans that you cannot fit into your schedule
Instead, learn the Simple 'Ten' Step Process that will help you create your 'Personalized Diet' with ease for ANY fitness goal.
All Lectures are Video based where I take your through the whole process of creating your diet easily and quickly.
7 Meal Combo- Vegetarian[With Exact Portions+Calories Counted]
6 Meal Combo- Non-Vegetarian [With Exact Portions + Calories Counted]
My Weekly Intermittent Fasting Diet
Every meal, every calorie, counted for you!! No Guesswork:) High Protein Meals, Low Carb Meals, Countless Indian Meals all included!
Advanced Strategies/Methods/Tips to 'Break Through' Fat Loss/Muscle Building Plateau
10 High-Powered Quick & Easy Breakfast Recipes
11-Nutritous & Delicious and Easy to Make Lunch/Dinners
15 Yummy Healthy Snacks-On-The-Go
Shopping List
3 Recipe Videos of me making my Favorite Meals for You:)
Who is the ideal student for course?
Anyone who has no one to cook for them:( AWWW....Poor You. Don't Worry I'll get you home:)
Anyone who wants to know how to create a personalized diet plan based on their goals and most importantly their schedule and lifestyle
Anyone who is frustrated from following fad diets (paleo/ketogenic/low-carb/low-fat/blood group etc) with ZERO results
Anyone who wants to stop relying on their gym trainers/fitness pals/ to give them a One-approach cookie-cutter diet to them which is NOT according to your cultural preferences, habits/behaviors, schedule, lifestyle and goals
And Lastly,
This course is perfect for anyone who just cannot give up favorite foods like ice-creams, pizzas/burgers even alcohol to lose-weight or get fit.
Hey Pal,
Let me say this: You DO-NOT have to give up your favorite foods to get fit or lose weight/build muscle
I have given three approaches that you can select based on how you would like get results:
The Enjoyable Approach
This approach is ideal for people who:
-Party out a lot
-Are Big Foodies
-Have a strong inclination towards eating junk food/sweets etc
They want to lose weight/get fit but are NOT ready to give up their favorite foods or their lifestyle to get results.
I have provided videos to explain the estimated rate of fat loss/muscle gain based on this approach & other two approaches
i.e. Realistic | Aggressive
Life is too short to give-up Ice-Creams Anyways.
Be the driver. Choose the 'Exact' Way You Want to Create your very own diet plan.
Decide the process, know what to expect & get Fit & Healthy.
So LET me ask this question:
Would you pay less than the cost of ONE MEAL in a restaurant to completely figure out the diet planning process that is literally counts more than 70% of your health and fitness results?
Updated on 22 March, 2018- Nutrition Dieting and Meal Planning Certification Alpha AcademyUSD 19
USD 380Duration: Upto 38 Hours - Diet and Nutrition Master Diploma StudyPlexUSD 16
USD 180Duration: Upto 2 Hours