Course details
R is a data analysis tool, graphical environment, and programming language. Without any prior experience in programming or statistical software, this video tutorial will help you quickly become a knowledgeable user of R. Now is the time to take control of your data and start producing superior statistical analysis with R.
In this video tutorial, you will start with a quick refresher on programming in R. You will learn to set up your R development environment, as well as work on a… + Read More
Course details
R is a data analysis tool, graphical environment, and programming language. Without any prior experience in programming or statistical software, this video tutorial will help you quickly become a knowledgeable user of R. Now is the time to take control of your data and start producing superior statistical analysis with R.
In this video tutorial, you will start with a quick refresher on programming in R. You will learn to set up your R development environment, as well as work on a few simple R programs. After that you will dive right into working with different types of data structures in R, such as vectors, lists, matrices, etc. You will explore how to import and export data for your data analysis project, and also connect to databases such as PostgreSQL. From there, you will look into probabilities, distributions, and random numbers. Here you will explore discrete distributions, continuous distributions, and random number generation. Finally, you will learn to statistically model your data, and also about hypothesis testing. You will dive into descriptive statistics and graphs, parametric and non-parametric statistical methods, correlation and regression analysis, and time-series analysis.
By the end of this video course, you will be well versed with working with different types of data and modelling your data for your statistical analysis projects with the help of R.
About The Author
Olgun is PhD candidate at Department of Statistics, Mimar Sinan University. He has been working on Deep Learning for his PhD thesis. Also working as Data Scientist.He is so familiar with Big Data technologies like Hadoop, Spark and able to use Hive, Impala. He is a big fan of R. Also he really loves to work with Shiny, SparkR.He has many academic papers and proceedings about applications of statistics on different disciplines. Mr. Olgun really loves statistic and loves to investigate new methods, share his experience with people.
Updated on 14 February, 2018 - Read Less