Course details
- Cucumber Content
Cucumber Overview
Cucumber Environment
Prerequisites for Environment
Cucumber with Maven
Cucumber Gherkins
Cucumber Junit Runner class creation and examples
Cucumber Features
- Feature Files
Cucumber Scenarios
- Examples of creating scenarios on different applications
- Converting manual test cases into scenarios
Steps Definitions
- Generate step definition from TestRunner class
- Generate step definition from chrome browser plugin
- Generate step definition by writing our script
Integrating cucumber with Selenium
- Examples of cucumber + Selenium scripts
How to create reusable steps
- Examples in creating reusable steps and step definitions
Cucumber Data Tables
- Examples of creating data in data tables
Cucumber: Parameterization and passing multiple sets of data
- Examples of data parameterization
Cucumber Tags
Cucumber Comments
Cucumber Hooks
Cucumber Reports
Framework creation
Integrating Appium with cucumber
- Examples of executing scripts on Android devices
- Examples of executing scripts on iPhone
Selenium Content
Demo session:
- Introduction to Automation
- Why and when will we go for Automation
- What is the use of Automation
- What is the difference between Selenium and QTP
- About Selenium:
- What is Selenium
- Advantages of Selenium
- Different flavors of Selenium:
Selenium IDE
Selenium RC
Selenium Grid
Selenium Web Driver/Selenium 2.0
Selenium IDE Overview:
- Downloading and Installing Selenium IDE
- Features of Selenium IDE
- Selenium IDE Icons
- Recording your first test with Selenium IDE
- Save and playback first script
- Mode of execution
- What is command , target, value
- Asserting the elements
- Verifying the elements
- WaitFor elements
- Storing the elements
- Synchronization commands
- Adding Selenium IDE comments
- goBack, refresh, Enterkey simulation, highlight ..etc.
- IDE Context Menu
- Building Test cases using Selenium IDE
- Capturing screenshots in IDE
- Start & break points with example, limitations of ide
- How to use looping statements like IF, while in IDE with few examples
- Usage of goto commands in IDE
- Delete all cookies
- Multiple user creation using if condition
- Generating Dynamic values using JS functions
- Usage of JS functions with IDE
- Creating test suites
- Framework in IDE
Core Java concepts:
- Introduction To Core
- Java
- What
- is jre, jdk,
- jvm
- Install
- java
- Environment variable configuration
- Datatypes
- method
- variables
- Package
- What is a class and object?
- various data
- types
- Download
- eclipse
- How
- to create
- java project
- What
- is
- object
- How
- to create object to a
- class
- What
- are method parameters with
- examples
- How
- to add return type to a method with
- examples
- Public
- Private
- Protected
- Default
- Inheritance
- and examples on parent child
- relationship
- What
- is abstraction and abstract
- class
- Overview
- on interface
Web Driver Concepts:
- Introduction & Architecture
- How to identify elements in webpage using Selenium
- Tools to identify elements/objects
- Firebug
- IE Developer tools
- Google Chrome Developer tools
- Locating elements by ID
- Comparissions between RC and WebDriver
- Downloading and configuring web driver in Eclipse
- Setup required for webdriver
- configuring webdriver
- How your browser will be launched
- comparison b/w selenium java 2.48 & 3.5 versions with example
- Finding elements by name
- Finding elements by link text
- Finding elements by XPath
- Finding Elements by using CSS
- Overview of method chaining in java
- How to open an application using GET N NAVIGATETO COMMANDS
- Firefox browser n selenium java issue
- How to maximize the window
- How to use sendkeys command in webdriver
- Various commands close, quit, click command in webdriver with examples
- scenarios and login to sales force ,
- Handling checkboxes
- How to use isselected,
- How to perform uncheck operation
- How to handle radio buttons :
- Overview on webdriver select class with examples
- Diff between findElement and findElements commands
- findElements examples,
- How can we perform tab operation
- Identify all links a webpage with examples
- working on chrome browser
- working on IE browser
- html unit drivers,
- What is frames and overview on frames
- How to handle alerts
- overview on robot class and examples
- overview on autoIT and examples
- How to handle multiple windowswith examples
- getCoordinates
- Actions class
- Dragable
- dropable
- datepicker
- resizable
- Handling of webtables
- Getmethods();
- Introduction to java script executor
- Usage of Java script executor
- Javascript Executor
- Implicit wait, Explicit wait, Fluent wait
- What is a Firefox Profile
- Handling Certificate issuer using FF profile
- Handling proxy server and file downloading using FF profile
- Datadriven testing
- Keyword driven testing
- Datadriven testing
- Text file
- properties file
- CSV file
- Read content from a PDFfile
- Read content from an image file
- Introduction about TestNGHow to Install TestNG plugin in Eclipse
- TestNG sample script
- Writing Selenium testing script from
- scratch
- Creating
- Test suites using TestNG Reports generation using TestNG
- overview on JUNIT
- Introduction to
- Framework
- components
- in
- framework
- Discussing
- about base
- framework
- Creating
- a POM framework
APPIUM (Mobile Automation testingtool)Content has 2 parts which covers both Android & iOS
Chapter 1:Introduction to Appium
- Introduction to Appium
- Overview of Open Source Mobile Test Automation tools:
- Open source Mobile Automation tool Evaluation
- docs
- Why
- Limitations of APPIUM
- Appium architecture
Chapter2: Appium- Prerequisites & Installation for Windows
- Appium Prerequisites
- Java Installation & Configuring System Environmental
- variables
- Maven
- Configuration
- Android SDK
- configuration
- Eclipse
- configuration
- Appium
- installation on
- windows
- What
- is an APK
- file
- Various
- sources to get APK
- files
- Installing
- application on real device using these APK
- files
- Automating
- Automating Facebook- Post Status
- Automating Facebook- Delete Post & User Logout
- UI Automator Component
- Element Locators
Chapter 3: Installation for APK Files
- What is an APK
- file
- Various
- sources to get APK
- files
- Installing
- application on real device using these APK
- files
- Automating
- Automating Facebook- Post Status
- Automating Facebook- Delete Post & User Logout
Chapter 4: Object identification
- Locating elements by resource ID
- Locating elements by
- name
- Locating
- elements by
- classname
- Locating
- elements by xpath
Chapter 5: Basics of Android
- Share & Control Real Android Device screen from
- PC
- Download
- Android Platforms using SDK Manager
- CreateVirtual Devices/Emulators using AVD Manager
Chapter 6: APPIUM basic concepts
- Settingup a basic
- project
- Appium
- Reference
- What
- are DesiredCapabilities
- Knowing AppPackage and Launcher Activity of Android App
Chapter 7: APPIUM commands
- sendKeys()
- click()
- getLocation()
- getContextHandles()
- findElement()
- closeApp()
- quit ..etc
Chapter 8: Mobile Touch Gestures-DragDrop, MultiTouch, Swipe,Scroll
- Performing Drag and Drop using TouchAction
- class
- Performing
- Click and Swipe using TouchAction
- class
- Performing
- MultiTouch and Drop using MultiTouchAction
- class
- Performing
- Swipe using screen coordinates(x,y)
- Performing Long press using TouchAction class
Chapter 9: Android MobileBrowser-Automating Mobile Web Application
- Introduction to Mobile Web
- Automation
- How
- to get Useragent from Android Browser
- Identifying the objects on Mobile
- browser
- Automating
- mobile specific websites
Chapter 10 : Android- Automating Built in Apps(Phone, contact,Settings)
- Android BuiltIn App(Phone) : Dial phone
- number
- Android
- BuiltIn App(Message) : Sending a
- message
- Android
- BuiltIn App(Clock) : Setup Recurring Alarm
Chapter 11: Appium- Prerequisites & Installation for Mac
- Appium Prerequisites
- Java Installation & Configuring System Environmental
- variables
- Maven
- Configuration
- Android SDK
- configuration
- Xcode
- Configuration
- Eclipse IDE
- configuration
- Appium
- installation on Mac
Chapter 12: Appium- iOS App download
- Emulators Vs Simulators
- iOS App
- download
- Share
- IOS Device Screen on Mac
- Provisioning Development Build on Real IOS
- Device
- Using
- Appium inspector to identify the element properties
Chapter 13: Working with Safari browser on IOS Device
- Running ios first automation test
- case
- Launch
- Safari browser on IOS Simulator
- Launch Safari Browser on Real IOS Device
Chapter 14: Working with IOS Controls on Real IOS Device
- Working with Steppers(UIAStepper)
- Working with Switches(UIASwitches)
- Working with Sliders(UIASlider)
- Working with PickerWheel(UIAPickerWheel)
- Working with Date Picker
- Working with Segmented Controls(UIASegementedControl)
- Working with Page Indicator(UIAPageIndicator)
- Handling alerts
Chapter 15: Jenkins-Continous Integration with Appium
- Parametrizing DesiredCapabilities using Maven
- Integrating Appium with CI tool Jenkins
- Dynamic Parametrization of DesiredCapabilities using Jenkins
- Scheduling the framework to run at specific time
Chapter 16: SauceLabs-Cloud Integration with Appium
- Integrate Appium IOS Tests with SauceLabs
- Integrate Android Appium Tests with SauceLabs
Chapter 17: Programmatically Launch Appium on Mac & Windows
- Programmatically launch Appium using AppiumServiceBuilder
- Programmatically Launch Appium on Windows
- Programmatically Launch Appium on Mac
Chapter 18: PageFactory Model- Automating IOS App
- PageObject Pattern & PageFactory Introduction
- Developing PageObject Model and extending PageFactory
- support
- Creating
- AbstractTest & AbstractPage
- Writing Tests in PageFactory
- Model
- Using
- @iOSFindBy and @AndroidFindBy Annotations
Chapter 19: Appium Tests Parallel Execution
- Run Appium Test Cases Across Multiple Devices Using Grid
Chapter 20: Capture Video and Screenshots for iOS & Android test runs
- Android: Record Video Screen during test execution
- iOS: Video Record Screen during Test Execution
- Eclipse IDE- Fix for ADB Path error during Video Capture on Android
Protractor Content/Protractor on a real project/
- Protractor Overview:Protractor Tutorials on End-to-End testing on AngularJS websites. A wrapper over Selenium WebDriverJS library
- Prerequisites to install Protractor
- ProtractorInstallation
- Architectureand Process communication of Protractor
- Overview on Jasmine:Covering Jasmine Framework that needed for Angular JS automtion using Protractor
- various editors and folder structure
- overview on spec.js
- introduction to global variables:
- browser.get
- element
- by
- created a simple example
- execute the script
- introduction to global variables:
- overview on conf.js
- locators with examples
- Overview on ng-repeat with examples
- Introduction to Multiple It and Before Each in Jasmine
- Basic script in handling calculator
- verifiaction points in jasmine using expect
- How to work on non angular JSapplications
- Sample script to login to SF application
- Introduction to Page Object Modle framework
- convertingspec file to a page object mondel
- creating and executing scripts in Paga ObjectModel
- How to handle Protractor using JAVAprogramming language
- Creating JProtractor jar file and adding to JAVAProject in eclipse editor
- Creating basic scripts for Protractor using JAVAprogramming language
- Handling text fields
- Handling dropdown
- variousidentification mechanismforNgBy. with examples
***********************************End of Protractor****************************************************
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