Udemy CSS3 Master Series: The Complete CSS Selectors Course Udemy
Price: USD 200

    Course details

    Master CSS3 Selectors: Master Combinator Selectors, Pseudo class selectors, Pseudo element selectors and more!

    Most of webdevelopers only know basic Selectors in CSS and when they learned CSS, theylearned the properties that we can use, they learned the box model, how toposition elements, how to change colors, how to format text but what about Selectors?

    CSS3 Selectors are one of the, if not the most important part of CSS, and I have madethis course so it will be the best course out there to master CSS3 Selectors,soIf you know how to write basic CSS, this course is for YOU, if you have someexperience with CSS, this course is also for YOU, I mean even if you have yearsof experience with CSS, I will show you things, that even experienced developersthink impossible to achieve with just CSS,

    Not only you will learn the Selectors that youcan use, this course is full of challenges, real world challenges, that willhelp you practice your new skills and show you how to use CSS3 Selectors tounlock the power of CSS3!

    Here's a list of the challenges that you have in this course:

      -The top courses challenge!

      -PDF & Word Icons for links Challenge!

      -External Link icon Challenge!

      -Style form inputs Challenge!

      -I will control my target Challenge!

      -Only CSS courses Challenge!

      -Pure CSS Dropdown Challenge!

      -Show me the image Challenge!

      -Style List Items Challenge!

      -The lonely student Challenge!

      -Dropcap Challenge!

      -Select The Text Challenge!

      -Clearfix challenge!

      -Show me the URL Challenge!

    So if you're ready to take your CSS skils to a whole new LEVEL, this is the perfect course for you!

    "A journey starts with single step and this is the first step you take to become a CSS & CSS3 expert"

    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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