Udemy CSS: Complete course on CSS3 and Javascript [WEEKLY UPDATED] Udemy
Price: USD 100
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details


UPDATE: Introducing ODINWEEKLY for this ultimate course on CSS 3 and Javascript.

Don't know about our new initiative? Here it is....

ODIN WEEKLY is the initiative taken by ODINACADEMYLLP.

What will you get under this program?

1. This course will get fresh new content every week for at least 2 years. We will continuously add new content in this course every Monday of the week. This way the course won't get old or outdated and every change in technology will be updated here.

2. We will update all existing students through Educational Announcements about the addition of new content with their titles mentioned.

3. If you're not free every week, you can come back to course every month and learn new concepts without paying extra.

4. You can ask through discussion board for the topics to be covered in upcoming week (suggestions are always welcome).

5. All current and new students enrolled in this course are eligible to access ODINWEEKLY.

6. You don't have to pay extra, once you're inside you'll get unlimited content for rest of the life.

TIP: Look at the curriculum below to know about the topics added recently.


Learn and Create - static and dynamic websites and web pages using CSS3 and Javascript.

This course covers all the essential concepts needed in making Web Development and Web Designing more interactive and more effective. This course helps you to develop wide insight on the simplicities and complexities of the CSS3 and Javascript.

Some other features of this course includes:

  • Introduction

  • Different ways to write stylesheets

  • Color codes

  • Working on text properties

  • Introduction to JS and Basics

  • Data Type

  • Operators

  • Flow of control

  • Functions

  • Pop boxes in Javascript

  • Objects in Javascript

  • Date object in JavaScript

  • String object in JavaScript

  • Array Object in JavaScript

  • Math Object in JavaScript

  • Window Object in JavaScript

  • Navigator Object in JavaScript

  • Timing Object in JavaScript

  • Screen Object in JavaScript

  • Event Object in JavaScript

  • Event Handling in JavaScript and much more...

This course will help you develop a technological outlook for the various programming languages. It will help you build beautiful and eye catching websites using CSS3 and Javascript. It will help you develop a creative mindset in the field of web developing and web designing.

This course can be taken both by the Beginners and Intermediate level learners. This course will surely help you build a strong and well defined knowledge of CSS3 and Javascript. Taking this course on CSS3 and Javascript benefits by giving you the concise but important concepts with hands-on example in a single course,

COMEINSIDEand enjoy the better version of coder in you.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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