Udemy Convert HTML Websites into PHP: Learn by Doing in 40 Minutes Udemy
Price: USD 50

    Course details

    So you want to learn how to convert your HTML website into PHP but you're not quite sure how. No matter if you've never tried PHP for any reason, this course is for you.

    Without wasting your time, I will teach you in 40 minutes to convert single page website and/or multiple pages website into PHP website and update your pages quickly instead of manually doing changes in all pages.

    If you've been making HTML websites and want to take benefits of PHP, then you will learn essential techniques by practically doing it with practical projects.

    The course will cover:

    • Install and Setup XAMPP (web server)
    • Convert Single Page .html into .php 
    • Convert Multi Pages .html into .php 
    • Setup Automatically Changeable Year with PHP 
    • Display IP Address of User 
    • Create Standard PHP Template 
    • Create Reusable PHP Files 
    • Dynamically Highlight Menu on Active Page 
    • Practically Use Basic PHP

    Just watch me doing it and practically follow up, I will also explain throughout the steps, so you can repeat it all yourself and practice it in my given theme files and in your own .html websites.

    Updated on 12 November, 2015
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