Udemy Complete Video Production for Businesses, Bloggers & Tutors Udemy
Price: USD 70

    Course details

    This course will help you quickly master the skills you need to produce high quality video to use in your business, blog or social media. It is designed specifically for business owners meaning it is jargon free and tightly focused to cover all the key components of production in just three hours of training.

    The course is divided into 9 tutorials that cover everything from planning, camera use, sound recording and lighting to presentation skills, editing and uploading to the web. All delivered by a qualified tutor with over ten years teaching experience at graduate level.

    At the end of this course you will be able to produce low cost, professional videos that will help you build a convincing online presence or brand.

    The price of this course will increase to $150 on 1st March 2017 at 9pm GMT

    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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