- Duration: Flexible
Course details
Boost Your Flexibility, Improve Posture &Relieve TensionThroughout Your Body With Complete Stretching
This is not your typical flexibility program.
Complete Stretchingis designed for people who want tosafely improve their flexibility and posture with stretches thatcan be done wherever and whenever you want.
But this program does more than teachyou a few exercises and workout tips. In the course I go over thescience behindstretching and flexibility,the benefits of static anddynamic stretchesand why timing you stretches will make or break your flexibilityroutine.
Did You Know That Stretching Is Scientifically Proven To:
Reduce Your Risk Of Exercise RelatedInjury
DecreaseMuscle Stiffness And Increases Range Of Motion
Reduces Muscular Tension
Improve Functional Performance
Unfortunately, most people stretch incorrectly and make one (or more) of the following mistakes:
Don't use the right stretching exercises
Stretch at the wrong time
Don't understand the difference of static and dynamic stretches
Don't stretch at all
Complete Stretching shows you howto avoid these mistakes and follow a daily stretching routine that is simple yet highly effective.
Here is what's inside the program:
15-Minute Daily Stretching Routine
30+ExerciseVideos To Help You Stretch With Perfect Form
7 Most Common Stretching Mistakes & How To Avoid Them
Stretching Safety & Correct Form
The Difference Of Static & Dynamic Stretching And How To Use It In Your Routine
Stretching And Strength Training: How To Stretch For Muscle Growth
How To Warm Up Correctly Before You Stretch
As A Bonus You Also Get Access To My Privat Facebook Group "Simple Muscle Academy" Where I Give Free Advice And You Can Ask Questions And Interact With Other Students.
Scroll Up AndGet "Complete Stretching" If You Want To See Real Results
The stretching exercise is right for anyone and will show you stretching for runners, bodybuilders and normal athletes. Learn about proper stretching exercises, stretching for pain relief and dynamic stretching. Better resistancestretching and stretching exercise will help with your backflexibility strength, spineflexibility and normalflexibility training.
Updated on 11 March, 2020- Fitness & Nutrition Fundamentals StudyHubUSD 24
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USD 100Duration: Upto 2.5 Hours