Udemy Complete Beginner's Guide to Fingerpicking Guitar Udemy
Price: USD 40
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Not sure where to start with fingerpicking? Start your fingerstyle adventure today and accelerate in the right direction.

Many people get off on the wrong foot with fingerstyleguitarand create bad habits from the start that they just can't shake;don't be that person!This course puts you on the right path from the very beginning.

What The Course Will Teach You:

  • How to build perfect fingerpicking technique
  • How to build strength & dexterity in yourpicking hand
  • 4 popular chords
  • How to build speed
  • How to play any song with the correct techniques
  • All lessons come with downloadablesheet music/guitar TAB

Don't worry if you're still very new to the guitaras this course canbe taken by students that have no prior playing experience at all;however, some verybasic understanding would help. In the course we'll cover a few basic chordsand will be working mainly on building strength and dexterity in the right hand. By the end of the course you will be ready to start learning how to play songs.

You will learn many different fingerpicking exercises and as the lessons progress they gradually get harder. Every lesson comes with sheet music in standard notation and guitar tab.

I guarantee that if you take this course you will develop the necessary skills required to be successful with fingerstyle guitar and you will be able to play any song in the future with perfect technique. This is, of course, only if you practice.


"I am learning so fast and everything is so clear. Thank you so much" (Maya Dib)

"This is explained really well and is easy to follow." (Katri Tuhola)

"At last! Fingerpickingdemystified!" (Eugene Mulhern)

Each lesson is only around 2 - 3 minutes long,with the longest video at 5 minutes,and everything has been explained in thesimplest way possible with no complicated jargon. I fully understand the difficulties of playing guitar and so havebroken each step down into manageable, bite size pieces.

30 day money back guarantee.

The perfect student for this course is:

  • Brand new to fingerstyle/fingerpicking guitar
  • Able toplay a chord or two (not essential)
  • Keen to practise regularly
  • Patient, whichis a must when learning guitar

This course will get you on the right track with fingerpicking.

So pick up your guitar and get starttoday!

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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