Udemy Complete ASP.NET Core 2.1 Course Udemy
Price: USD 200
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

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This is a Beginner to Advance level course on ASP.NETCore 2.1 that will take you from basics all the way to advance mode. This course is for anyone who is new to asp.net core 2.1 or who is familiar with ASP.NET and wants to take a first stab at understanding what is different in asp.net core 2.1. From there we would be building multiple projects to understand all concepts in ASP.NETCore 2.1 as we willdeploy our final application on Azure as well as IIS.

Throughout this course we would understand the evolution of ASP.NETCore and then we would take a look at the modified files and folder structure.

  • We would then take a look at new concepts in ASP.NETCore 2.1

  • We would build a small Razor application with CRUD operations using entity framework for integration with database.

  • We would build our Granite House website where we will learn advance topics in ASP.NET MVCCore 2.1

  • Finally we willdeploy our Granite House website on Microsoft Azure and IIS.

What are the requirements?

  • 3-6 months knowledge of c#

  • Visual Studio 2017

  • SQL Server Management Studio

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Learn structure of ASP NET Core 2.1 Project

  • Learn basic fundamentals of ASP NET Core 2.1

  • Build applications using ASP NET Core 2.1 using Razor Pages and MVC

  • Build 2Projects throughout the course

  • Integrate Identity Framework and learn how to add more fields to Users

  • Integrate Entity Framework along with code first migrations

  • Custom Tag Helpers in MVC Core 2.1

  • Learn two factor authorization and other importantdetails of ASP.NETCore 2

What is the target audience?

  • Anyone who wants to learn asp.net core 2.1

  • Anyone who wants to learn most latest changes with Microsoft newest framework

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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