Udemy Cisco 200-105: ICND2 – Interconnecting Networking Devices 2 Udemy
Price: USD 200

    Course details

    ICND is the acronym for "Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices" which refers to a set of IT exams issued by Cisco Systems. The ICND2 course teaches topics related to LAN switching technologies, IPv4 and IPv6 routing technologies, WAN technologies, infrastructure services, and infrastructure maintenance.

    This training course teaches learners how to perform basic troubleshooting steps in enterprise branch office networks.  Skills developed assist the student in installing, configuring, and troubleshooting small networks as well as working with Cisco routers and switches. Configuring Ethernet LANs Implementing Wide Area Network, Configuring IPv4 Services,Configuring IPv4 Routing Protocols, Understanding Cloud Based Networking, IPV4 and IPv6 Routing and Troubleshooting  to accelerate your career as a professional in the Information Technology industry. This course will cover the basic fundamentals of a switch, what are the primary goals. Also Management of Cisco network devices is covered in detail

    Updated on 28 March, 2018
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