Udemy Chord Confidence Part 1 - Beginner Foundation Guitar Udemy
Price: USD 20
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Chord Confidence Part 1 - Beginner Guitar is tailored forthenew student, thenot so new student (knows a few chords), or "stalled musician" (a person whose playing levels off/plateaus - because they don't know what to do next).

Beginning with the very simplest building block - the single note - Iteach chords in a very practical way. I then show you, with only 3 chords, how songs make "progress" (we call this "song progression"). By the time you complete the course, you will have learned 12 chords in all - major and minor chords.

What has taken memore than 3 decadesto learn, I havedistilled intoeasy to digest lessons(Chord Confidence also has Part 2).By the use of my unique teaching styleandGIANT GUITAR, I teach you how to avoid the pitfall of playing almost entirely by memory - the result of this for thenewguitarist is confusion and complexity - which can lead someone to become a stalled musician. I show you how to avoid excessive "memory" playingby teaching you PATTERNS, CONNECTIONS, and ASSOCIATIONS- the secrets of "effortless" guitar playing.

Also included is tuning,strumming patterns, and ways to appropriatelyengage your memory - "MAKEMEMORY ATOOL, NOT THE RULE".

If you believe your MUSIC FOUNDATION should be solid, strong, practical, andwith a wide base, I agree! And that's what you'll get here! And ifyour goal is to one day be a guitar player that can play"effortlessly", thenChord Confidence is for you! Keep it simple, but develop confidence in yourunderstanding of music!

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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