Course details
Welcome to Children's Songs for the Guitar! This is a complete & relaxed guitar lessons course to teach you many of the simple melodies in music, how those melodies were created, and how to make your own simple & powerful melodies when you solo on the guitar. Learn 20 of the most common (Western) children's songs on the guitar. We will first learn these all in the same key (the key of G) so that we can compare & deconstruct the melodies. We will then learn how totranspose the melodiesto different keys. It's interesting, very easy, and fun!
Any kind of six-string guitar will work well for this course - electric, acoustic, orclassical.
Every lessonvideo has a PDF attachment in the "additional resources" tab. These PDFs are the songchords, tabs, and guitar lessons.
Children's Songs for the Guitar begins with a guitar primer in which you'll learn all the basics that you'll need to playall 20 songs. You'll learn about reading tablature, chords, the major scale & major arpeggio, countingtime signatures, and other valuable stuff to get you ready to play these songs.
This course is designed for the beginner guitar student as well as the advanced guitarist. Every level of player can easily learn these children's songs.
Children's Songs for the Guitar is extremelyvaluable to your soloing and could be the difference between you soloing across the scales & modes up & down in order, or creating a unique pattern of notes to phrase into an interesting melody. Many guitar players fall into this trap of playing scales & memorized patterns at high speeds, thinking of this as soloing. This course is intended to slow you down and have you consider your solo - one note at a time.
I'm really glad you made it here - this is going to be fun! Let's begin.
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