Course details
This is the Certified Battlefield Resume Methodology (BRM) FederalResume Writer course. This is an easy to follow, step-by-step, Federal ResumeWriting tutorial. The video instruction taught in this course is directlylinked to each chapter within the Battlefield Resumes, LLC workbook called"Operation: Federal Resume, 4-Battlefield Phases to a Targeted FederalRésumé." This course is for Resume Writers, Career Coaches, CareerCounselors, VA Counselors, DVOPs, LVERs, Department of… + Read More
Course details
This is the Certified Battlefield Resume Methodology (BRM) FederalResume Writer course. This is an easy to follow, step-by-step, Federal ResumeWriting tutorial. The video instruction taught in this course is directlylinked to each chapter within the Battlefield Resumes, LLC workbook called"Operation: Federal Resume, 4-Battlefield Phases to a Targeted FederalRésumé." This course is for Resume Writers, Career Coaches, CareerCounselors, VA Counselors, DVOPs, LVERs, Department of Labor Veteran assistanceprograms, University and ROTC Career Counselors, as well as Military TransitionAssistance counselors. This program willhelp you show veterans that you are serious about understanding them and will demonstrateyour desire to assist them. This course will teach you how to help veterans,transitioning active duty military personnel, federal government employees,defense contractors and others in their search for federal employment. You willlearn how to help veterans relate their experiences to the civilian workforceand how to translate their skills to federal government employment. TheCertified (BRM) Federal Resume Writer course (C-BRM-FRW) uses an easilyidentifiable analogy between military doctrine and federal résumé writing. TheC-BRM-FRW encourages you to use military tactics and strategy when helpingveterans transition to the civilian workforce. If you want to learn and share thesecret to the HR screening process and want your veterans and clients to get "referred"to the Hiring Manager, you have to watch this video training program. Bruceshows you how the HR office evaluates resumes and categorizes resumes for acertain GS Grade Level, as well as how to ensure that your client's resume is evaluatedat the highest salary (GS Grade Level) possible. He also shows you where tofind the criteria that the HR office uses when determining if your client's resumeshould be "referred" to the Hiring Manager and how to ensure that the same criticalinformation is included within your client's resume. Bruce will also walks youthrough the Hiring Manager's evaluation process and how the Federal GovernmentPosition Description (PD) is linked to the vacancy announcement, the KSAs, the Questionnaire,and the questions asked during the interview. If you are serious about helpingveterans and you really want to help them get a federal job, the C-BRM-FRW courseis a requirement and will demonstrate to all veterans that you are dedicated totheir employment effort and have the desire and stamina to help them. Attainthe Elite Status of a Certified Battlefield Resume Methodology (BRM) FederalResume Writer so you can make sure that your client's resume is morecompetitive than other applicants, as well as prepare them for your federalgovernment interview.
Updated on 15 March, 2015 - Read Less