Course details

Learn from Australia's Leading Career Transformation Expert and deliberately design your career!

"The ultimate destination for any career is to do work you love, with people you like, getting paid what your worth; in a way that authentically suits you, and truly serves others! That's what my Career Navigation programs are designed to help you do." Rachel Sparkes 

Learn the step-by-step process to create a plan so you can deliberately design the career of your dreams!

After interviewing 10,000 or so people in my IT Recruitment & HR career I found many people were unsure how to take control of their career design through correct planning. 

The thing is, sitting down to consistently set goals and stick to them in your career IS hard. You are pulled in a lot of different directions in work and life and it's difficult to know effective goal setting and accountability techniques.   

Many times we wonder how to balance meaning with our desire for 'money' and 'service to others' for our need to 'look after our own needs' and confusion creeps in so we give up before we begin. You end up reactive and not really reaching your greatest potential in your career. Self-doubt can also creep in and you wonder if it is possible to have a career that is both fulfilling and financially successful.

They key is to setting the right type of goals that are balanced with both momentum and meaning. 

In this course you will create a holistic, deliberate career design through the following process:

  • Goals - The 9 Step Career Design Process that creates goals to achieve both meaning and money!
  • Gaps - Pinpoint exactly what you need to bridge to get where you want to go!
  • Game Plan - The 15 Year Roadmap, The 12 Month Game Plan, The 90 Day Actions to get you on your way!

Get crystal clear clarity on what to do and how to keep accountable:

This course is easy and will take you through a proven process that gets you 'stop starting and start finishing' your career goals. Its all about teaching you how to Ideate, Create and Commit to the goals that you care about and teaching you productivity and accountability techniques that will ensure you get them done! This is a Career Design process that can lead to being your best self, and doing your best work.

Content and Overview

This course is suitable for people in all stages of their career from students leaving college to mid-career professionals pivoting careers and senior professionals at a cross roads.

This course is quick to do and compromised of 3 sections and XX video lectures to help you deliberately design your career path over the next 90 Days, 12 Month and even 15 years!!

Each lecture has an accompanying PDF Worksheet for you to help you write everything down and eep everything in one place, and decide on what goals and actions you need to take to get you where you want to go. 

Starting with Goals, you will learn the 9, yes 9 goal areas to create meaning, money and balance between giving and getting in your career.  In this section you will also identify the difference between safe, stretch and faith type goals to keep you reaching for your greatest potential. 

Secondly in the Gaps section you will learn two new tools that will help you identify the real (not untrue) gaps between where you are now and where you want to be. I will introduce you to the TRANSITION PLANNING technique and the PRESET TEST tool which are tools I have developed to help you pin point exactly what you need to do to bridge those gaps. You will also learn ideation technique called 'Annual Themes' to make sure you cover all bases on what your gaps are in your current career.

Finally, in the last section you create an awareness of your Game Plan by identifying what your long term vision is for your career in the 15 Year Roadmap. This is also an ideation tool to get you out of your logical mind and into your intuition and pure potentiality. You will then chunk down your goals and gaps into achievable steps in the 12 Month Game Plan and 90 Day Actions and learn gamification techniques to make it all happen!

The Outcome

The entire course is tailored to help you do the following to deliberately design your career:

  • Ideate (Think about what you want) 
  • Create (Design the career of your dreams) and 
  • Commit (Gamify the process for fun accountability)

"The ultimate destination for any career is to do work you love, with people you like, getting paid what your worth; in a way that authentically suits you, and truly serves others! Thats' what this and my Career Navigation programs are designed to help you do." Rachel Sparkes 

The Journey Begins

Complete with videos and Work-IT sheet files you will be able to work along side Career Transformation expert Rachel Sparkes who is there to guide you along the second step in your Career Navigation journey - Design.

Updated on 22 March, 2018
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