Udemy Calibre Converts Ebooks to Epub for Sales at Major Retailers Udemy
Price: USD 60

    Course details

    Use Calibre to create Epub files for sale at major retailers. Write in MS Word or other format and easily convert to Epub for selling ebooks at:

    • Amazon
    • Apple iBooks Store
    • Google Play
    • Barnes & Noble
    • Kobo
    • Smashwords
    • Scribd
    • Draft2Digital and more

    Epub (electronic publication) is a standard file type. Epub files are preferred because they're optimized for any reading device (reflowable).

    Calibre is open source (free) software and the one-stop solution for your Epub needs. Calibre enables you to convert documents to many file types and edit them. You can also edit metadata: the ebook title, author, cover image, series info, publisher, tags and more. Calibre makes it easy and this course shows you how.

    Converting file types is amazingly simple. You'll love what this program can do.

    The course is taught by Jason Matthews, bestselling author and self-publishing expert. In less than 1 hour you'll be creating Epub files that are ready to upload to major retailers.

    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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