Udemy Calculus 1 Fundamentals Udemy
Price: USD 8,000
  • Duration: Flexible

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Calculus is the study of change with its primary focus on:

1. Rate of Change (Differentiation Calculus)

2. Accumulation (Integral Calculus)

In this course, we will be covering the building blocks of Calculus :Limits andDerivatives(Differential Calculus) in an interactive manner with the help of15+ video lectures, miscellaneous examples, quizzes and solutions.

Calculus Fundamentals: Section 1 -LIMITS

  • Concept of Limits:For making you familiarwiththe notion of the Limit.
  • Existence of Limits: Introduction to the Left Hand Limit and the Right Hand Limit.
  • Algebra of Limits: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division in Limits.
  • LHospital Rule: A handy toolto circumventthe common indeterminate forms when computinglimits.
  • The Sandwich Theorem: To evaluate limits of functions that can't be computed at a given point.
  • Limits of Trigonometric Functions: To cover the importantlimit identities oftrigonometric functions.
  • Limits at Infinity:To evaluate limits at points tending to positive and negative infinity.

Calculus Fundamentals: Section 2-DERIVATIVES

  • Concept of Derivatives: Meaning of the term "Derivative" in Mathematics.
  • First Principle of Derivatives:The conventional way of computing derivatives.
  • Algebra of Derivatives:Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division in Derivatives.
  • Derivatives of common functions:To set you free tocalculate derivative ofcombination of any functions.
  • The Chain Rule:Tocalculate the derivatives of composite functions no matter howcomplex they are.

Calculus Fundamentals: Section 3- FORMULAE & REFERENCES

  • For a quick glance over the formulae and notations used throughout the course.


Enrol in this course, Learn the fundamentals and Master the calculus.


Updated nowwith Practice Worksheets for Limits and Derivatives-The MOREyou practice, the BETTERyou become.


Updated on 14 November, 2018
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