Udemy C++ Object Oriented Programming From Scratch Udemy
Price: USD 20
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

In this course we will uncover the Details of the most important concept in the programming world, which is, Object Oriented Programming. To make this notion very clear in your minds, this course will have as a basic Syntax: the C++ programming language as it's one the most useful syntaxes in nowadays in addition to java and python. In addition, our course will focus especially on the use of the OOP concept in the world of applications using the Qt framework, and this is the specialty of this course. through the presented tutorial we will discuss the following notions: -Classes And Objects. -Constructor -Destructor -Accessors -Overloading -pointers -Inheritance -Polymorphism -Static member -Qt And OOP this is what you've got to learn to get a solid base in OOP. So let's get started in this course step by step together and to uncover the world of Object Oriented Programming. Updated on 14 November, 2018
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