Udemy Business Networking -Make money asking the right questions. Udemy
Price: USD 20

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    Course Description

    Networkers no longer can afford to sell their products or services at networking events

    Professional networking can be the foundation of a truly incredible business. The way to do that is by forsaking the cheap tactics like trying to sell your business or services and instead focusing on providing REAL SOLUTIONS to people who are seeking them. In this course, it comes in the form of information. Things like elevator pitches, story telling and follow up…. The solution lies in truly understanding what people want and how to ask for it.

    This course contains mastering what people want.  An outcome of some kind, they want it NOW. Learning how to provide them with quick results and make it convenient. How can you provide that? Remember, less is often more here. You will experience how to make a presentation that is helpful to your audience and keeps them interested; people will be able to walk away from you with a takeaway? You will be able to  develop a great 10-second pitch is 25 words or less. Showing how your enthusiasm, product and or service applies to them, perfecting your conversation skills to be clear, benefit-driven and attention grabbing, Projecting in 10 seconds that the person knows what they are getting and what to do, Social Proof:  Elements of your presentation let prospects know they are not alone in making a decision to work with you. Create a Good Story:  Does a good job of driving action and making the prospect truly wants your product or service. CTA - You are not asking them to do more than one thing. Networker Mindsets:  Focused on your goals and guide your intentions perfectly when approaching people.  By this, you're making yourself attractive to others. Know The Event:  Know the crowd the event will draw, and search for contacts and prospects that need your service and product.

    By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills that will help you quickly find people that need your product or service, that have the money, and that can make the decision. You'll know the proper mindset for each occasion, where the buyers are, and exactly what to say to achieve your goals. With this lesson, you'll find that you're able to think, speak, and be a better professional business Networker in a short period of time.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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