Udemy Building Teams by Outsourcing Task to Virtual Assistants Udemy
Price: USD 30
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

For small and large businesses alike, there is always a point in time when you are going to consider to outsource part of your business. This is a critical point and that is why we have put together this course.

In this course, we explore your different options in outsourcing, both for offshore as well as onshore. We also look at the benefits and challenges of each of the two types. We then also look deeper into how to onboard remote workers or virtual assistants.

No matter what kind of team you are building, knowing how to manage them effectively is directly related to their performance. Thus, we learn about strategies to build cohesiveness in a virtual team. A tactful skill you will have to develop.

This course will give you the tools to start building your own virtual team, ready to take on business tasks for your business.

Updated on 30 January, 2019
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