- Location: Heliopolis - Cairo
- Duration / Course length: 5 Days
- Starting Date: Enquire About It
- Timings: Enquire
Course details
Course OutlineDay One
Codes and standards
Why do we need the codes?
Past and Current Structural Codes and Standards
The multidisciplinary design effort
Design - construction process
Design standards and their relationship to structural performance
Construction standards
List of 100 most frequently cited ASHA construction standards
Drawings and specifications
Technical specifications
Shop drawings
Document review
Design and construction checklists
The uniform code for building conservation
Day Two
Loads and hazards: their nature, magnitude and consequences
Establishing the loads and load effects on the structure
Safety of Structures
Serviceability of structures
Establishing the capacity of the structure
Critical characteristics of steel structures
Critical characteristics of concrete structures
Accelerated Testing
Cumulative Error
Computer software
The Dangers of Computer Analysis
Day Three
Reliability Based Condition Assessment
Structural Reliability
Parallel Systems
General Systems
Performance Prediction
Steel buildings - common areas of deficiency
Reinforced and prestressed concrete buildings - common areas of deficiency
Human Perceptions of Durability
A summary of seismic deficiencies and design constraints
Maintenance versus repair
Different Maintenance Options
Accepting Undesirable Existing Conditions
Preventing deterioration
Preventive measures
Case Studies
Day Four
Strategies for Maintenance and Repair
Condition Survey
Initial Site Visit
Data Acquisition
Condition Survey
Detailed Inspections
Tools and Equipment
Common Problems
Sampling For Test Specimens
Testing Procedures
Investigation Summary
Peer review
Project delivery methods
Day Five
Changing technology
Innovative materials
Typical structural challenges
Lessons from the past
Lessons from historical structures
Monitoring Programs
Unforeseen problems
Some practical tips
A word of caution
Old age death
The weaknesses of mother earth
The future of structures
Challenges of the 21st century Updated on 05 April, 2018
Course Location
About Power Technical Training
"Power Consultancy & Training" is working in the field of technical & managerial training in Egypt and through the rest of the Arab world.
• Full understanding of the training arts.
• Effective, fast, and direct communication with our customers all over the world.
• Constant development of our potential through cooperative agreements with practical training centers and other HR centers.
• Pursuit and adoption of most recent developments in the field of training the world over.
• The Implementation of training services anywhere in the world.
• Adoption of standard methods in the implementation of training services.
• Provision of outstanding training services at the lowest possible cost.
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