Udemy Build Your Brand: Blogging, SEO, SocialMedia & Relationships Udemy
Price: USD 59

    Course details

    This course tell the secrets that enabled me to get over a thousand visitors everyday to my website.

    How to market your business and website with a blog, onsite optimization, social media and relationships.

    A website is essential not only to every business but to everyone in today's economy.

    In order to create a successful web presence it's becoming increasingly important to "be everywhere". I can explain how to achieve this efficiently and without wasting time.

    My name's Rob Cubbon I've been running an online business for over 7 years.

    I will explain:

    • Blogging
    • Website optimisation for the search engines
    • How to be active on social networks without spending too much time on them
    • And, lastly, but by no means least, how to foster meaningful relationships with people in your niche an often over-looking web marketing essential

    This course will show you exactly how to do this with easy step-by-step instructions.

    I'm going to show you how to make the most of your WordPress blog. So there will be practical examples of:

    • how to set up and use Google Analytics
    • how to create an XML Sitemap and register it with Google Webmaster Tools
    • how to get on to Google maps
    • how to add social media share buttons
    • how to make sure your WordPress website works quickly which is a really important SEO concern
    • the theory behind blogging and how to make sure it's constantly updated with great articles that are relevant to your niche
    • how to optimise your website for Google and the other search engines
    • how to do proper keyword research for your website so you target search terms that will be easy and profitable to rank for
    • how to create individual blog posts that Google and your visitors will like and that ensures the maximum traffic possible.

    Social media can be a huge drain on your time and resources. I can show you how to set up and use the most important social media outlets effectively and efficiently: I will show you how :

    • to set up and use Twitter
    • all about Facebook Marketing
    • how to set up the all-important Google authorship through Google+
    • how to use LinkedIn and YouTube
    • and, how to maintain brand consistency and regular posting throughout all these channels with the minimum of effort.

    Finally I'll show you how to set up and maintain professional relationships with thought leaders and others in your niche which will make you an authority as well as supplying you with much needed links to your site.

    Marketing your business on the web today needn't be as confusing as it sometimes seems. I can show you how to do it properly and how to enjoy it.

    Communicating with your audience has never been more fun :)

    Updated on 08 November, 2015
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