Udemy Breaking into TV | Go from Press Release to CNN in 48 Hours Udemy
Price: USD 75

    Course details

    Do you have any idea on how much money people spend on getting their product or expertise on TV? Media Agencies charge their clients 100s and thousands of dollars just at the chance of talking to contacts in the media to promote themselves in front of an audience as large as the daily news media or 24 hour cable channels.

    This course will teach you how I went from press release to CNN in 48 hours. This 45 minute, 12 segment video series includes everything you need to promote your product or expertise to the media and get forwarded up through the ranks to get in front of millions on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and CBS. Also included is a 6 page quick start guide that include links to heavily discounted partners that will help you succeed with this program.

    This is the most inclusive video series detailing every aspect of using the online/offline marketing and how to string everything together to get the biggest impact and promote almost anything in front of a huge audience.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015