Udemy Branding, Public Relations, & Social Media Rules to Live By Udemy
Price: USD 20

    Course details

    You're building a business, a side hustle, or the next big thing that's going to change the world.

    But there's a big problem: part of your equation totally sucks.

    • Branding?! Is our idea easy to understand and love?
    • Public Relations?!! Don't you have to pay an agency BIG BUCK$ for that?
    • Social Media?!? WAY too confusing and busy. Ain't nobody got time for that!

    You're not alone.

    I've met over 400 people who have your problem and here's the one NAGGING problem they all had: They didn't need my help building amazing things; they needed me to show them how to "get themselves out there." I can teach you.

    In fact, this is what you're going to learn:

    • Creating a powerful brand story
    • Defining and engaging the right audience
    • How to create TRUE fans
    • How to form the right partnerships
    • Mastery of the top social media platforms

    These step-by-step videos use real-world examples to show you how the best brands in the world create an impact.

    Not only will you learn from the best, you'll learn how to implement their strategies immediately.

    So what are you waiting for?

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
    Courses you can instantly connect with... Do an online course on Public Relations (PR) starting now. See all courses