Udemy Blues Guitar Lessons - Volume 3 - Minor Blues Essentials Udemy
Price: USD 35
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

An essential study to help take your blues playing to new heights!

This 14-part series of lessons, taught by top UK session guitarist, Bobby Harrison, is the third instalment of our Blues Guitar series. Weve learned how to solo over both a shuffle groove and a slow blues progression, but now its time to turn our attention to minor blues playing.

The focus here is how to solo over minor or minor 7th chords, as opposed to the dominant 7th progressions weve grown accustomed to. There are several differences in both mood and note choice, especially since we no longer have the luxury of mixing both the major and minor pentatonic scales; and as for our old friend, the major third, avoid that fella like the plague when soloing over a minor blues progression!

We will learn a mean 36-bar solo, containing countless blues licks that you can incorporate into your own playing, as well as a cool, ZZ Top inspired minor blues rhythm guitar part. Bobby also shows us scale, arpeggio and chord-tone ideas for soloing over a minor blues progression.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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