Course details
"Another EXCELLENT course. I completed previous course and this one is just as good if not better.Best tuition I have ever had.Thank you, Eric. Just finished this course and it is EXCELLENT. I obviously will need to go back over several bits, but it has been so useful. Thanks again." -KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT,WEBISODES 5&6
"I like themodesty and teaching speedof the instructor."-SHOOTER, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 1&2
"This iswithout doubt, the BEST course I have ever done.BRILLIANT, Eric. Thank you so much. I have already purchased some of the next courses andthere is so much to learn.Worth EVERY penny (or dollar in the U.S.)."- KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 3&4
In Webisodes 7 & 8:Practice Tips,Minor Scales, &Scale SummariesI'll show you:
- Some of the best tips I've found to help you practice the scales you've learned so far, as well as the scales covered in this part of the course. (8 practice tips in all!)
- How to use the Minor and Minor Pentatonic Scales in the "Three Essential Keys."
- "Short Scale" variations on the Minor and Minor Pentatonic scales for authentic Bluegrass Guitar sounds and faster playing.
- A special BONUS section on how to switch from Major to Minor scales as well as some great tips on the topic.
If you really want to be able to play Bluegrass Guitar, you'll need to know how to play and apply the Minor scales for that "Bluesy" sound that Bluegrass guitar is famous for. In these webisodes I'll show you how and give you tons of great ideas on practicing in general as well as practicing scales, setting practice goals, and how to change effortlessly from Major to Minor.
"Obviously avery passionate and technically skilled musician, that [is]able to pass on his knowledgein the old-fashioned way, from person to person."- ALLEN, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 11&12
"Absolutely BRILLIANT. This isopening up a whole new worldon how to move up the fretboard."- KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 13, 14, & 15
Updated on 14 November, 2018- Machine Learning Diploma Lead AcademyUSD 26
USD 390Duration: Upto 12 Hours - Guitar Effects Pedals Volume 1 Study 365USD 32
USD 227Duration: Upto 4 Hours