Udemy Bluegrass Guitar Essentials: Webisodes 3 & 4 Udemy
Price: USD 30
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

"Another EXCELLENT course. I completed previous course and this one is just as good if not better.Best tuition I have ever had.Thank you, Eric. Just finished this course and it is EXCELLENT. I obviously will need to go back over several bits, but it has been so useful. Thanks again." -KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT,WEBISODES 5&6

"I like themodesty and teaching speedof the instructor."-SHOOTER, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES1&2

"This iswithout doubt, the BEST course I have ever done.BRILLIANT, Eric. Thank you so much. I have already purchased some of the next courses andthere is so much to learn.Worth EVERY penny (or dollar in the U.S.)." - KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 3&4

In Webisodes 3& 4(Tuning &Picking) of myBluegrass Guitar Essentialsseries, youll learn about the various Tuning tips I've picked up over the years such as:

  • Using clip-on, vibration-based tuners
  • How to tune your guitar when your tuner dies and no piano is around
  • Tweaks for tuning those pesky G and Bstrings

Youll also learn the fundamentals of getting your picking and fretting hand in syncwith the use of various techniques such as:

  • Hammer-ons
  • Pull-offs
  • Slides

Lastly, we'll cover some helpful picking exercises in the most popular keys/chord positions for Bluegrass Guitar:G, C, &D.

You're sure to improve your speed, dexterity, and coordination by the time you've thoroughlypracticed andapplied all the techniques I show you in this course.

"Obviously avery passionate and technically skilled musician, that [is]able to pass on his knowledgein the old-fashioned way, from person to person."- ALLEN, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 11&12

"Absolutely BRILLIANT. This isopening up a whole new worldon how to move up the fretboard."- KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 13, 14, & 15

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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