Udemy Be A Better Manager 3 - Team Building Management Training Udemy
Price: USD 125

    Course details

    Business Management Training - Be A Better Manager

    Learn how to become a Team Building Manager

    Improve Your Management Skills - Team Building Manager

    Do you want to learn how to learn how to improve your management skills and career by becoming a Team Building Manager?

    Get Results

    Team building managers are managers that get results.

    By becoming a team building manager, you can increase your team's productivity, improve profits and get yourself recognised as a manager that can manage teams and get results

    A Manager's Job

    A manager's job is hard, especially if your team are working against you and showing you in a bad light.

    But if you can learn to become a team building manager and learn how to create and manage teams that work together under a unified vision, then you can climb the path to a successful career in management in rapid time.

    A Leading UK Expert

    Myself and Stephen Mather, a leading UK management consultant and managing director of the revolutionary ProPeC system of business improvement, have collaborated to bring you this course on being a data driven manager from the "Be A Better Manager" series of training courses.

    What You Will Learn

    • In this course you will learn what a team building manager is.
    • You will learn how a team building manager thinks and behaves.
    • And you will also learn how a team building manager achieves their goals and succeeds in their objectives.

    100% Money Back Guarantee

    Before you go any further, let us just say that we don't want you to be disappointed.

    If you are unhappy with the course for any reason whatsoever, you can get a full refund in the first 30 days, backed by Udemy, with no questions asked.

    Start Your Journey To Being A Better Manager

    Join us on the other side and learn how to become a teams building manager that gets results for your business and improve your career prospects!

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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