Course details
Bank Reconciliation is an important topic for the Accountingstudents, employees who are engaged in bank transactions as well as businessowners. It is useful not only as a study material but in a practical way also.Because in a company it is necessary to have a same cash balance in thecompany's own books as well as in the bank.
So here the course will simply explain what is the meaningof a bank reconciliation and importance of it. Further it will make studentsidentify the reasons… + Read More
Course details
Bank Reconciliation is an important topic for the Accountingstudents, employees who are engaged in bank transactions as well as businessowners. It is useful not only as a study material but in a practical way also.Because in a company it is necessary to have a same cash balance in thecompany's own books as well as in the bank.
So here the course will simply explain what is the meaningof a bank reconciliation and importance of it. Further it will make studentsidentify the reasons for the mismatch of cash balance and will guide to preparethe Bank reconciliation Statement .
The course will not end up only by teaching the BankReconciliation Statement. After explaining to prepare the bank reconciliationstatement step by step, course will guide students to prepare a template forBank Reconciliation Statement using Excel. It will enhance the knowledge ofpreparing Bank Reconciliation as it will give the students a chance to gothrough the process step by step once again. And also it will be useful for thepractical use in preparing Bank Reconciliation Statement.
So You are warmly welcome to enroll and gain knowledge about BankReconciliation statement and in the process you can develop your own Template.
Updated on 27 December, 2017 - Read Less